

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
      1      2       3     
5   6        7             
   9                10   
 12   13                  
14              15        
 17              18   19      
    20        21          


1. ...the long walks we used to take, holding ___ all the way.
4. I think you are ___.
5. We can solve these problems more easily than if we were ___.
8. You are the most ___ woman I have ever met.
9. I have found the ___ woman.
12. You are not a "___."
14. Now you want to be "___ friends."
15. I ___ you.
16. Maybe if I put my ___s in writing.
18. ___ if I put my thoughts in writing.
20. Maybe if I put my thoughts in ___.
22. I don't want to ___ you.
23. I do not look ___ on you.
24. Every day, I think about your beautiful ___.


2. Let's ___ our problems and happiness.
3. I think about your ___ laugh.
4. Together, we can ___ these problems.
6. Remember how we used to watch the ___s?
7. I think you are ___.
10. I think you are ___.
11. We can solve these problems more ___ than if we were apart.
13. I want to be with you for the ___ of my life.
17. You are not a "___."
19. Let's share our problems instead of experiencing them ___.
20. I don't ___ another woman.
21. Remember how we used to sit on the ___ in the park?